Monday, December 14, 2015


If you want to get ahead of the herd, stop thinking like they do. Don't just solve a problem, realize that another problem will arise from the resolve and think of ways to solve it. Write that down. Continue this  process over and over. Each resolution eventually creates another issue. 

Life is ever changing no matter how much it may look the same. The very heart of nature and all creation is organized chaos, nothing stays the same, everything is always changing. Change is inevitable. Think ahead, be prepared for the next change before anyone else sees it coming. Set yourself apart.

Instead of doing the same things as everyone else, choose to be different, think different, act different. Instead of reading the latest best seller, grab something obscure or better yet write something yourself. Instead of jumping on the latest fad create your own; instead of buying the latest "iWhatever" look for more cutting edge technology or better yet take a break from technology and go back to the old pen and a notepad way of tracking ideas.

If you follow the herd you will never stand out. Instead of rushing along blindly with them, think about the opposite direction,  what untold opportunities are there awaiting your discovery?

Break the rules! 
Forge your own path in the opposite direction of where everyone around you is rushing to right now. 

Break the rules.
Be a mermaid in a sea of fish.

Try it.
Break the rules.