Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today, life can go in any direction you choose. Yes, it can seem overwhelming at times. It can be filled with the "what if's" and regrets of yesterday or the "what if's" and anxiety of tomorrow. Looking back at yesterday or forward to tomorrow can form a vicious circle where today gets lost between regret and anxiety. So I choose to live "just for today".

There are various forms of "Just for Today" programs, mine has been taken from a section in "Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie.  I changed it a little and made it my daily intention list. I challenge you to create your own:

1. Just for today I will be Happy because happiness is a decision that comes from within, regardless of external circumstances, and I will remember that "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be".
2. Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desire.
3. Just for today I will take care of my body.
4. Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind through reading that requires effort, thought, and concentration.
5. Just for today I will exercise my soul in at least three ways by (a) doing something good for someone and not getting found out, and (b) by doing at least two things which I don't want to do or feel uncomfortable doing.
6. Just for today I will be agreeable and look as well as I can.
7. Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not relive the past, not look to the future, just live through today.
8. Just for today I will have a program written down of what I expect to do every hour, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it, and it will help eliminate hurrying and indecision.
9. Just for today I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself to relax and think about God.
10. Just for today I will be unafraid, especially to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me.

Remember my friend, you and I can get through anything by living "Just for Today".

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