Thursday, September 18, 2014


If as you go about your day,
Someone offends or embarrasses you in some way,
Don't react with "I'll make them pay",
That's just your ego getting in the way.
What difference does it make who is wrong or right anyway?
One thing is for sure the spirit of offense will ruin your day.

Your ego will rise up and put on a serious face,
Begging you to let it "put them in their place",
But what good is one more wrong deed done?
Ignoring the invitation to a fight is much more fun.
People today love to argue and criticize,
When you are at peace with yourself you won't listen to society's lies,
They don't really know as much as they think they do (and neither do you),
So why get caught up in so much ado?
Just put your ego on the shelf,
And get the hell over yourself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


You get a line and I'll get a pole, Honey,
You get a line and I'll get a pole, Babe.
You get a line and I'll get a pole,
We'll go fishin' in the crawdad hole,
Honey, Baby mine.

Sittin' on the bank 'til my feet get cold, Honey,
Sittin' on the bank 'til my feet get cold, Babe,
Sittin' on the bank 'til my feet get cold,
Lookin' down that crawdad hole,
Honey, Baby mine.

Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back, Honey,
Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back, Babe,
Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back,
Packin' all the crawdads he can pack,
Honey, Baby mine.

The man fell down and he broke that sack, Honey,
The man fell down and he broke that sack, Babe,
The man fell down and he broke that sack,
See those crawdads backing back,
Honey, Baby mine.

I heard the duck say to the drake, Honey,
I heard the duck say to the drake, Babe,
I heard the duck say to the drake,
There ain't no crawdads in this lake,
Honey, Baby mine.

This song evolved from Anglo-American play-party traditions and African-American blues.
Workers building levees to prevent flooding of the Mississippi River in the South were among the first
to sing it. (1850-1875)

Monday, September 15, 2014



It is amazing how quickly a body can get out of condition. Just how quickly became evident at 7:30am this morning. Fainting and puking seemed eminent during Core Cardio. The twenty five minute struggle felt like hours.

"Nailed it", nope not this time, but the nail was set shakily in place and ready to be hit. Tomorrow is Speed 2.0, yes an oxygen tank is on stand by.

Philipians 4:13

Sunday, September 14, 2014

NINE WEEKS: The Night Before

NINE WEEKS: The night before

Getting geared up and motivated to begin the next nine weeks of exercise and diet starting at 7:30am tomorrow.  Reminding myself that this should be viewed as a lifestyle change not just nine weeks.

Fighting down feelings of discouragement and disappointment over weight gained this summer.  Envisioning a fit and healthy me to build up my determination.

It can be done, one day at a time.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Those of you who have never had to deal with being overweight should drop down on your knees and give thanks. The older I get the more difficult it is to get and stay in shape. Earlier this year BeachBody Coach R.J. Reynolds helped me make significant progress using the T25 program. Yes, T25 is an extreme program, but by uaEventhe modifiers, adding in clean eating, and a daily walk with my Aunt Sally & sister Mona, I was on track and feeling great.

Then life came along with changes that created convenient distractions. My work focus changed creating stress as I adjusted to the income change. At the same time my work was changing my living address changed. Living by myself made it easy to turn an area in my house into "my gym" but living with two other people in a house that is not my own is much different. For several months I have struggled with getting settled-in to my new surroundings. This struggle caused me to loose focus on my nutrition and exercise routine. This lack of focus caused me to loose all the ground I had gained, the lost pounds returned and brought more with them.

Fortunately for me Coach R.J. never gave up on me. He has stayed in touch and continues to encourage me. My friend Sherry says that Monday is the best day to start anything so this past Monday I started my daily walks again (I miss you Aunt Sally & sister Mona). Next Monday I will start the T25 program again (thank you Coach RJ). Even though I still don't feel comfortable claiming space for "my gym" in my new place, I will make myself do it.
I will be doing the Beta and Gamma Phases of T25 and I will be posting something daily about my experience as I make my way through the next nine weeks. If you are struggling with fitness I hope my upcoming posts will encourage and help you. If you are looking for a great Coach check out the link below to Coach RJ. If you have overcome a weight or fitness struggle please share your tips with me.

Yes I got side tracked, yes I lost ground, yes I let the horse throw me, yes I might get thrown again and yes I will continue to pick myself up, get back on the horse and I won't stop until I am proud.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


"Pray, Be, Serve"
instead of "Do, Be, Have"

For most of our life we may abide by the theory that if we "Do" a good job we will "be" successful and "have" the things we want. Countless hours and energy can be expended as we neglect ourselves, and others, chasing corporate and social illusions. Do, be, have. Those of us in the workforce realize it isn't that simple. Have you spent a lifetime doing hard work to be successful and are still barely making ends meet? Or have you excelled to have a plethora of expensive things, which have taught you that expensive things cost far more than their obvious price tag and are seldom worth the cost of acquisition or maintenance.

Some of us have learned there is a void in our being that no amount of doing or having can fill. The void can only be filled by communicating with the one who created us.

What if we broke away from society's mantra of " do, be, have" and shouted a new mantra "pray, be, serve"?

I dare say that if we were shouting "pray, be, serve" instead of "do, be, have" mobs of young people would not be attacking strangers for no reason in the "knock out game". They would be finding ways to help others instead of harm them.

Some may see the mantra "pray, be, serve" as a weak way of living. Oh contraire, God instructs us to daily put on our armour and stand firm. To actively participate and be passionate about His plan for our lives.

"Pray", spend time with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, praise Him, listen to Him, read His word in the Bible, feel His never-ending unconditional love, pray for others. "Be" the loving unique soul He created each of us to be, He wrote a letter of instruction to us, it's called the Bible. "Serve" Him by using our talents to help others, give freely and joyfully of our time and resources.

Sincerely open your heart to Jesus and you will immediately understand the difference He can make in your life. If He is knocking on the door of your heart, let Him in. Do it now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


From Conversations with Jethro:

This conversation took place recently one morning following my Facebook post the night before. The post was of a picture which shows a man leaning against a fancy black BMW with a large bouquet of roses laying on the hood.

My phone rings and I answer it.
ME: "Good morning."

JETHRO: "Good morning Miss Ann. Did you get all your dreamin' done yet?"

ME: "Of course not."

JETHRO: "You sure are dreamin' if you think any self respectin' feller who owns a fancy car like that would do anything to scratch it. Ain't no way he would throw them thorny flowers on the hood of that car, or prop his butt on the fender. It must not really be his car."

ME: "It's just a picture."

JETHRO: "It's just a fantasy that fills a woman's head full of silly ideas and makes it hard for us men to ever live up to their expectations. It's hard for a workin' man to afford one rose let alone a bunch like that."

ME: "It's just a picture."

JETHRO: "I bet the photographer was a lady. Ain't no way a man would've come up with somethin' like that."

ME: "Don't you have something to do beside interrupting my dreams?"

JETHRO: "Yes ma'am I sure do, but you are too smart to continue with such foolishness. As your friend it's my duty to wake you up."

ME: "I am awake."

JETHRO: "Good ,now don't go back to sleep as soon as I hang up the phone."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014



She doesn't realize the guy is a gem,
or how close she is to losing him.

She thinks the strings are secure,
whenever she pulls them he moves to her lure.

He is at her beck and call,
but that's not enough for her, no not at all.

Controlling him is her only goal,
she gives no thought to his loving soul.

He buys her clothes, and diamonds and flowers,
while she complains because he works long hours.

In all her sparkling glory she is unaware,
of the sadness lurking behind the smile he wears.

But I see his wooden smile
and hollow eyes,
his spirit dying as he tries and tries,
to make her happy by living a lie.

Yes, I see, and I make a promise,
some day, some place, without notice,

Through those binding strings I will slice,
I will take a chance and roll the dice.

Knowing full well the gamble is great,
whenever we tip our hand and play with fate.

There is no way to know,
exactly which way it might go.

Free of her strings, her pull, her lure,
would he run to me, or back to her door?

Monday, September 8, 2014



Are you trying to handle everything on your own and feeling overwhelmed? This can happen when we trust our own abilities instead of really trusting God.  Sometimes I find myself forgetting the basics of giving it all to God. The message titled "Stress" by Pastor Tommy Haines helped remind me of what I need to do in order to live a better life story.  You will be unbelievably blessed by taking the time to listen to the full sermon from Pastor Tommy which includes a list of signs of stress in your life. Visit click on "listen to a message" select "Stress" under the series "Living A Better Story".

Below are my notes on three things God wants us to do when we are feeling stress. These daily basics have helped me let go of stress and grab hold of Jesus:

1) GET SOME SOLITUDE: take time each day to be alone with the Lord, be still, do nothing, quiet your mind and just be. "It's in the stillness and the silence that we find God."

2) PRAY ABOUT YOUR LIFE: "It is through prayer that the grip of stress is broken."

+Pray about your schedule. Being busy does not equal success. When you say yes to one thing you are saying no to something else and vice versa. Make sure your schedule is God's plan for your life. "When you are too busy to pray, you are just too busy."

+Pray about your relatoinships. Who does God want you to encourage? Who does God want you to pray for? Make a prayer list. Make a phone call. Send a card/note/letter. God wants to use you to impact your family and other relationships. And remember, most important, Jesus wants a personal relationship with you.

+Pray about your resources. "Money will make your life look funny." If you don't have enough you will have axiety. If you have too much you will have anxity. Pray about two simple things: (1) reducing your debt; (2) giving. Learn how God wants you to use the resources He has given you.

+Pray about your priorities.(Psalm 90:12) "Are you giving energy to that which is most important?" or are you just busy without being productive? "Your time is your life. When your time is right your life will be right."

3) PROCEED IN FAITH: "The most important part of overcoming stress in your life is having faith and trust in God, His abilities not yours. God has a plan for your life. God absoutely knows what's going on in your life and when you trust in Him, and when you come to Him, you can walk on water, you can do unbelievable things in the Kingdom. But if all you do is doubt and stress you're gonna sink."

"Only when you walk with Jesus will you experience the peace of God in your life." (Mathew 11:28)

Again I say, you will be unbelievably blessed by taking the time to listen to the full sermon from Pastor Tommy which includes signs of stress in your life. Visit click on "listen to a message" select "Stress" under the series "Living A Better Story"

Scriptures to study:

Jesus understood stress, in Mathew 14 we see the story of a stress filled day in the life of Jesus, and how He dealt with it using Solitude, Prayer, and Faith.

Proverbs 3:5; 3:13; 11:25; 12:25; 17:24
James 1:5; 3:17
Psalm 46:10; 90:12
Mathew 6:6; 11:28
Phillipians 4:6-7

Sunday, September 7, 2014



Is there an adventure you would like to go on? Do you get a little excited whenever you think about it?

Adventures can come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. Whether it's a trip to another state or just across town to a movie opening, pause for a moment and imagine how you will feel while you are on your adventure. It's a great feeling isn't it? I am excited for you and want to share a few ideas of how to fund your adventure.

Often we tend to dismiss our coin change. That jingle jangle has value and can accumulate quickly. Take an empty jar and begin filling it with your loose change. At the end of each day empty your pockets or purse into the jar. As you deposit the coins, listen to the jingle jangle sound and vividly imagine how you will feel on your adventure. When one jar fills up, start another. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much you accumulate and how quickly your adventure becomes a reality.

If you want to accelerate the funding you can try some of these ideas:
Order a small coffee instead of a large; give up one of your daily indulgences like coffee/soda/alcohol; change your cable subscription to the basic channels; get a standard manicure/pedicure instead of an upgraded one; cook at home instead of eating out, etc. There are many ways to save. Deposit any money you save into the jar, or start a separate bank account just for your adventure.

There are lots of ways to save money on your adventure itself. While you are filling up your jar do some research on how other people have saved money on the same or similar type adventure. Keep a journal of the ideas, include pictures and doodles and anything that makes you smile.

My jar is in progress. Living in Florida offers very little color change in the foliage so I am saving for a trip through the mountains to see the brilliant colors of changing fall leaves. I am not sure which mountains yet, I will drive as far as my funds will take me and enjoy every mile.

Start your adventure jar,
You'll be surprised how it grows,
Soon you'll be saying,
Come on,
let's go!

Saturday, September 6, 2014



We can choose to think whatever we want and act however we please. It's our God given right to free will.

Regardless of where we are, who we are with, what is happening around us, or to us, we can choose which thoughts are allowed to linger in our mind and how we react to them. Other people may try to influence, manipulate, or control our thoughts and actions. However our thoughts can only be completely controlled by ourselves.

What if we had no free will?

For example let's imagine we are in the middle of a snowstorm, huddled in an icy cave with some branches we gathered to make a fire to warm us. No matter how passionately we think about striking the match and lighting the fire, our body refuses to follow through. Our mind wants us to be warm, but a program in our system overrides our mind and will not allow us to harm anything. The program recognizes that the branches need to deteriorate to become food for various insects and it will not allow us to harm them. We can think about getting warm but we can't act on it.

Here's another situation, let's imagine we could only be loved by someone who had been programmed to do everything we wanted? The best relationships involve people who are opposites in at least one area of their being. This opposite trait creates tension in the relationship and the tension helps strengthen and balance each person out. Without tension the scales of life would tip only one way. Some tension is needed to bring balance into play.

There are many scenarios where the good way may sound appealing at first glance only to discover that the good way may not be the best way. Free will was given to us for a purpose.

 Keeping our thoughts on a positive track can be a challenge in this life and the guidelines found in Phillipians 4:8 are helpful:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Friday, September 5, 2014



Do pictures ever trigger your sense of smell? The sweet smell of gardenias wafts through the air in my mind every time I see a picture of them. It was my favorite flower as a child. My granny had a gardenia bush in her front yard. We lived next door and everyday I would pass the flowering plant as I entered the front porch of her house. Over the years the bush grew as I grew.

When it was loaded with flowers I could smell the sweetness as soon as I left my house next door to walk to the school bus. It was like a loyal friend always there to greet me. Many times my granny would be standing by it waving me over. She would hand me a fresh blooming bud with a damp paper towel wrapped gently around the stem and tell me to give it to the bus driver or my teacher. I would proudly carry the white flower to it's intended recipient, stealing sniffs along the way, while trying not to touch the petals and turn them brown. For many years the bush stayed neck-and-neck with me as we grew. Then one day I realized I was taller. It was a jubilant day, it meant I was growing up.

Eventually harsh weather got the best of my granny' s gardenia bush. I have tried to grow gardenias for many years, unsuccessfully. I still notice them whenever they are present and take them as a positive sign when they show up in my life.

Last summer I went on a prayer journey. One day during the journey I was having a little bout with doubt. Had I done the right thing, was I in the right place, was I praying the right prayer? The day was sweltering hot. As I poured out my heart a breeze began to stir. As I prayed longer, reciting Scripture, the stirring turned into blowing and the flag above me began flapping loudly and proudly. When I stopped praying the wind stopped blowing and the flag lay lifeless against the pole. Each time, while I prayed the wind blew and the flag flapped. When I stopped praying, no wind. I was in Washington, D.C. on my knees praying under one of the American flags at the outside entry to the United States Supreme Court. As wonderful as that experience was the confirmation, that I was where I was supposed to be, came from the scent of an old familiar friend. As I walked back to my car, giving praise along the way, the wind began to gently stir and carry with it the sweet perfume of fresh gardenias. There in front of me was a gardenia bush. A tear trickled down my cheek. How awesome is the God I serve, He used a symbol special specifically to me to give me confirmation that I was doing His will that day.

Recently, life brought along a set of circumstances which required me to relocate. I was fretting over the move, not really wanting to leave my hometown again. But when I walked toward the entry of my new address the sweet smell of gardenias filled the air. On the left side of the front door a gardenia bush, taller than the eave of the house, laden down with delicate white flowers, was welcoming me home.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Somewhere deep inside
my wounded heart
opens a door.

Someone is beckoning me to come forth.

But is this a path that leads to adventure,
or a cell instead where everything's censored?

If I step through will the door stay open, freedom mixing with fun, or will it prove nothing new, as the door closes to entrap me, no freedom, no fun?

Will the light shining there reveal something honest, and good, or will it shine bright on an illusion that I misunderstood?

In this life much passion, much love I have known.
But today I am content to be alone.

With passion and love come hurt as well, how much hurt one can never tell.

Still, there is a wondering in my mind that lingers.
A hope that one day beneath my fingers,
a handsome soul will again feel my passionate touch.

But wait, I am reminded,
that feeling may cost too much.

Someone is beckoning.

My hands reach out,
they are connected to my heart
and love they wish to find.

But my feet refuse to move,
they ignore my heart
and stay connected to my mind.

My mind knows that my wounded heart never seems to make the right choice.

So my feet protect me by staying put
and my hands cover my ears
to drown out the voice.

The voice of someone beckoning me to come forth.


Somewhere deep inside,
my wounded heart
closes a door .

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


What do you consider kindness to be?

What might happen if each of us made a conscious effort to go out of our way to be kind today?

Now don't get nervous, I'm not talking about anything huge or costly, just simple things. Little things that used to be considered common courtesy. Things that require us to be present and in the moment. Little things like holding the door for someone a few steps behind us or opening the door for someone coming toward us, and doing it with a smile.

Little things like helping someone load their groceries in the car. If you live in Florida there are numerous senior citizens struggling with getting their groceries from their cart into their car on any given day. Just make sure you smile as you help them. If you are a man in a relationship, you can receive immeasurable points by simply helping bring in and put away the groceries without being asked to help, especially if you do it with a smile.

Do you like to be appreciated? So does everyone else. Write out thank you notes ane leave them in unexpected places. Tape one to your garbage can thanking the garbage man for his hard work. Slip one in the mailbox and show appreciation for the mail carrier. Write out a handful of notes saying "Thank you for your hard work. You are truly appreciated." sign your name and hand them out as you go through the course of your day to people you interact with, the grocery clerk, waitress, taxi driver, a secretary, your significant other, dry cleaner, teacher, janitor, your boss. Everyone likes to be appreciated. It doesn't have to be fancy cards or monogramed stationary, just use what you have, be sincere with your words, and smile.

Here are a few more ideas: If you have flowers in your yard pick and hand out a few. Whistle or hum as you go about your day, it will make people smile. If you ride an elevator, allow others to enter or exit before you. Whenever possible, turn off your phone and truly listen to the conversation going on around you at the dinner table. While driving allow others to merge into your lane easily. Give up your seat on the bus or let someone else have the taxi you just hailed.

If you simply take the daily activities of your life and do them courteously, you will show kindness and appreciation and you will have a three way positive impact on your environment. The person you are interacting with will be positively impacted, you will be positively impacted, any person observing your kindness will be positively impacted. The world needs more positive impact. It's not hard, we can do this. Be kind, be courteous, and remember to smile.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Old Crow

The Old Crow
The question is not who is going to let me; it is who is going to stop me?

I shall be, what I shall be, even if it's not appropriate during your afternoon tea.
I shall do what I shall do, and I shall go where I shall go, and I shall be what I shall be.

Were you wise and not so scared, instead of standing starring there, a cup or bowl or any dish, you would grab, and plant your flag, and sail away with me to vast adventures on high seas.

But alas, you are unable to forget the etiquette that binds and keeps you caged
with your need for afternoon tea.


Today, life can go in any direction you choose. Yes, it can seem overwhelming at times. It can be filled with the "what if's" and regrets of yesterday or the "what if's" and anxiety of tomorrow. Looking back at yesterday or forward to tomorrow can form a vicious circle where today gets lost between regret and anxiety. So I choose to live "just for today".

There are various forms of "Just for Today" programs, mine has been taken from a section in "Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie.  I changed it a little and made it my daily intention list. I challenge you to create your own:

1. Just for today I will be Happy because happiness is a decision that comes from within, regardless of external circumstances, and I will remember that "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be".
2. Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desire.
3. Just for today I will take care of my body.
4. Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind through reading that requires effort, thought, and concentration.
5. Just for today I will exercise my soul in at least three ways by (a) doing something good for someone and not getting found out, and (b) by doing at least two things which I don't want to do or feel uncomfortable doing.
6. Just for today I will be agreeable and look as well as I can.
7. Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not relive the past, not look to the future, just live through today.
8. Just for today I will have a program written down of what I expect to do every hour, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it, and it will help eliminate hurrying and indecision.
9. Just for today I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself to relax and think about God.
10. Just for today I will be unafraid, especially to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me.

Remember my friend, you and I can get through anything by living "Just for Today".

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Roadside Signs

Did you ever think much about the roadside signs you pass? Are the signs universal or local to the area you are in? Could a person determine the area of the country they are in based on roadside signs? It is doubtful we would see a "Panther Xing" sign in many states, so wouldn't it be reasonable to think "Florida" when we see a Panther Xing sign?

How often have you seen the thing you are being cautioned to watch out for in a sign? Regarding Panthers I have seen one living out of captivity and it wasn't in the area of a panther caution sign. The viewing occurred during an afternoon walk last year in a secluded area in SW Florida. It made for a memorable life experience and entertaining Facebook post. 

How do signs vary from place to place and what story do they tell? Traveling over highways and byways my camera will begin to capture signs interesting to me. Please share those interesting to you, I would enjoy seeing them.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Healing Coming On

One week from today I will be waking up in New Orleans. The travel enthusiast in me looks forward to another road trip. This road trip will take me from North Fort Myers, (which is located in the southwest area of Florida) up the Florida West Coast, through the Florida Panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi, to Louisiana and the French Quarter of New Orleans. Road trips are fun, especially when they are combined with visiting family & friends along the way.

As a builder viewing craftsmanship of days gone by is one of my favorite things. New Orleans' French and Spanish Creole architecture can feed the love for building and fuel design creativity in just about anyone.

Music is a healing source and the decadent medicine of Jazz is easy to find in New Orleans from the street musicians to the nightlife on Bourbon Street....I feel a healing coming on.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Raining Cats and Dogs

"It's raining cats and dogs!" It certainly is raining hard in North Fort Myers, FL this afternoon but I haven't seen any cats or dogs falling from the sky...yet.

Did you ever wonder where such a phrase originated? Maybe you already know how it started. I had to look it up and learned these written examples go back to the 1600's:

1651 British poet Henry Vaughan referredto a roof that was secure against "dogs and cats rained in shower"

1652 English playwright Richard Brome wrote "It shall rain dogs and podcasts" in the comedy City Witt

1738 Jonathan Swift wrote a satire on the upper classes titled the Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation in which one of the characters feared it would "rain cats and dogs"

Uses for a Random Lid

Are you compelled to save critters in need? I found my roommates Chihuahua "Tanner" playing with this frog on our back porch. The frog's skin was almost dried out and covered with debris that clung to the stickiness of the  dehydrated frog making it impossible for the poor thing to move and escape. I rescued it from the clutches of Tanner, who simply thought it was a new toy, rinsed it off and placed it under a hibiscus bush in a small bit of water (I knew that random plastic lid, that didn't seem to fit any container, would come in handy one  day). An hour has passed and the frog has raised it's head and appears to be resuscitating. I believe that by this evening it will again be catching bugs in the moonlight.